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Fabrizio Mocata, Gianmarco Scaglia & Paul Wertico - Free The Opera!


Musica Jazz (Italy)

It seems that Debussy had this to say: “In opera, there is always too much singing.” It seems that Mocata, Scaglia and Wertico took him at his word, freeing some famous opera arias from the "annoying" burden of lyrics. They dispel all doubts: here you don't listen to the adaptation of anything, because the springboard for each piece is the improvisation where, from time to time, you hear brilliant splinters taken from the game bag by Verdi and Puccini, more markedly in "Nei cieli bigi," "II coro degli zingari," "La donna è mobile" and "Random Access Memory (Va' pensiero)."

Those arias are entrusted to the solid and imaginative flow of Mocata, which also marks his other compositions with the same timbre, under the thrusts of Scaglia, charged with a very physical energy, which will strike the note causing an open and deep sound. Wertico makes everything even more iridescent with its surprisingly assorted colors and tempos, reserving a solitary space in "Three Movements In Movement," a precious pearl of the essence of rhythm.

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